


BIOS設定項目 とりあえず項目を整理

CPU Load-Line Calibration



注意事項は、高負荷時に電圧が上げられるため、当然温度は上昇する。また、「CPU Load-Line Calibration」で高負荷時だけ電圧を上げるより、普通に「CPU Voltage」を上げた方が良い場合もある。CPUの個体差次第。

CPU Load-Line Calibration 

This item adjust CPU LLC function. 
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6

OverCurrent Protection 

OCP(過電流保護回路):Over Current Protectionとは. 出力が何らかの原因で短絡した時や負荷を想定以上の電流から保護する為の機能

OverCurrent Protection 

This item enables/disables OverCurrent Protection(OCP). 
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled

CPU Over Voltage Protection


This item enables/disables CPU Over Voltage Protection. 

Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled 

CPU Switching Frequence 


This item allows you to set up the CPU Switching Frequence. 

Options: Auto (Default) / 300.0 KHz / 350.0 KHz / 400.0 KHz / 450.0 KHz / 500.0 KHz 

SOC Switching Frequence 


This item allows you to set up the SOC Switching Frequence. 

Options: Auto (Default) / 250.0 KHz / 300.0 KHz / 350.0 KHz / 400.0 KHz / 450.0 KHz 

CPU Core Voltage

 This item CPU Core Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / Override / Adaptive 

Note   » The following items appear only when you set the CPU Core Over Voltage to [Override] 

CPU Core Adjust Voltage

Options: Auto (Default) 

Note   » The following items appear only when you set the CPU Core Over Voltage to [Adaptive] 

CPU Core Offset Prefix 

Options: + (Default) / -

CPU Core Offset Voltage 

Options: Auto (Default) 

CPU_SOC Voltage 

This item CPU Core Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / Override / Adaptive 

Note   » The following items appear only when you set the CPU_SOC Voltage to [Override] 

CPU_SOC Adjust Voltage 

Options: 0.950 (Default) 

Note   » The following items appear only when you set the CPU Core Over Voltage to [Adaptive] 

CPU_SOC Offset Prefix 

Options: + (Default) / 

CPU_SOC Offset Voltage 

Options: Auto (Default) 

DDR Memory Voltage 

This item DDR Memory Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / +0.012 V / +0.024 V / +0.048 V / +0.060 V / +0.072 V / +0.084 V / +0.096 / +0.108 V / +0.120 V 

VDDP Voltage 

This item VDDP Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / +0.010 V / +0.020 V / +0.030 V / +0.040 V / +0.050 V / +0.060 V / +0.070 / +0.080 V / +0.090 V / +0.100 V / +0.110 V / +0.120 V / +0.130 V / +0.140 V / +0.150 V 

Chipset Voltage 

This item Chipset Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / +0.010 V / +0.020 V / +0.030 V / +0.040 V / +0.050 V / +0.060 V / +0.070 / +0.080 V / +0.090 V / +0.100 V / +0.110 V / +0.120 V / +0.130 V / +0.140 V / +0.150 V 

DDR VPP Voltage 

This item DDR VPP Voltage Control. 
Options: Auto (Default) / +0.035 V / +0.070 V / +0.105 V / +0.140 V / +0.175 V / +0.210 V / +0.245 / +0.280 V / +0.315 V / +0.350 V

CT125・ハンターカブ タイヤ